A Time of Transition
July 14, 2021
After seven years of leadership with Eugene Civic Alliance, Executive Director Nancy Webber is retiring. Webber has been a key part of ECA from its founding in 2015 to the opening of a new state-of-the-art recreation facility in the heart of Eugene in 2020.
“She has been with us since the beginning. Her hard work has benefited the community greatly,” said Jon Anderson, ECA Board president.
Webber worked tirelessly to keep the organization moving ahead after a fire destroyed the historic Civic Stadium. After the ECA Board renewed its commitment in July 2015 to move forward with plans to develop and operate Civic Park, the staff and board raised nearly $30 million to build the Kidsports Fieldhouse at Civic Park and the multi-sport playing field. While fundraising continues, Civic Park opened its gates in July 2020.
“I hope she looks at the facility and is proud that she has been a major contributor in getting the facility built,” added Anderson. “A big thanks to you, Nancy.”
“I am grateful for the hard work and support of the board and what the community has done to create Civic Park. It has been an honor to work with each of you and to have made relationships that will last a lifetime.”
Webber’s last day was June 30 but she plans to continue as an ECA volunteer until both phases of the project are complete.
“Let’s acknowledge that what we’ve done as a community is extraordinary,” said Webber. “I am grateful for the hard work and support of the board and what the community has done to create Civic Park. It has been an honor to work with each of you and to have made relationships that will last a lifetime.”
Bev Smith will assume Webber’s duties in a new role of Managing Director of Civic Park. Smith is a longtime ECA Board member and serves as Kidsports Executive Director.
“I hope to build on what Nancy has established at ECA,” said Smith. “Our future is bright and we owe a lot of that to Nancy’s efforts over the years.”
“Bev is ready to take on the role and certainly has the knowledge of Civic Park and what is needed,” said Anderson. “We are fully aligned with the Kidsports Board of Directors as we continue to collaborate closely in service to the community.”
Smith will split her time between Eugene Civic Alliance and Kidsports during the transition and will aid in finding her replacement at Kidsports.
The ECA Board Declares Commitment to Reimagine Civic