Spring Update from Civic Park

This month has seen an unprecedented shift in the way we all live, work, and play. In light of the current COVID-19 situation, we wanted to share an update with you on the Civic Park project. Below, is an excerpt from the annual update letter that was sent to ECA donors this week.

“Each spring, ECA sends a progress report on the Civic Park project. This year you can see the progress as the Kidsports fieldhouse dominates the view along Amazon Parkway and from Willamette Street, the new multi-sport field waits for a season-opener.

We are in the final stages of Phase 1 construction and working hard to finish raising the funds we need to pay for the facility. We are currently relying on a loan from First Interstate Bank to complete the project but would like to pay that loan off as soon as possible.

In addition to Kidsports, we’re creating partnerships with local sports organizations and event organizers that will use the site year-round. Prior to the virus outbreak the event reservations we had booked demonstrated the need for this facility. Unfortunately, many of those reservations have been postponed or cancelled.

Before the “Stay safe. Stay home” order, we planned to celebrate Civic Park’s Grand Opening in June. Now, the event is on hold and fundraising has come to a halt. We still need $5,000,000 to complete our capital campaign for Phase 1.

We know this is a difficult time for everyone. We also know that Civic Park will play an important role in our community’s recovery. The times are uncertain, but this remains the same: Civic Park will open. And when it does, Civic Park will be the community hub that brings Eugene together again.

When we celebrate the opening of Civic Park, we will mark the beginning of Civic Park’s mission to serve our community through sports, recreation, and play. But most important of all, we will celebrate our community’s resilience and ability to Play On. It will be the biggest reunion Eugene has ever seen, and you’re invited.”

We are grateful for the immense support Civic Park has received from the entire community. This past month, Chambers Construction; First Interstate Bank; Skylab Architecture; Robertson|Sherwood Architects pc; Eugene, Cascades, & Coast; Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce, and many others have played key roles in helping us navigate the changes to our construction and fundraising timeline. This support, along with that of other local organizations and individuals, has given us even greater resolve to complete this project so we can begin giving back to our community by providing a space for everyone to Play On!
