Introducing the Second Co-Chair of Fundraising Team: Kip Leonard
March 28, 2016
Last week, we introduced you to one of the co-chairs of the ECA Campaign Leadership Team, Jon Jaqua. This week, we are happy to introduce one of Jaqua’s fellow co-chairs, Kip Leonard. Jaqua, Leonard, and Beverly “Bev” Smith will be leading a team of 35 volunteers to raise funds for Civic Park.
Kip Leonard retired as a Lane County judge in 2010 after serving on the bench for nearly 25 years. Originally appointed to the District Court in 1986, he was appointed to the Circuit Court bench in 1989. During his tenure he served as the presiding judge of both courts. For the last 10 years of his career he was the county’s juvenile judge, dealing with matters involving children and families. Upon his retirement the county named a courtroom in the Serbu Juvenile Justice Center in his honor.
Mr. Leonard grew up in Eugene and played sports in the Eugene Boys Athletic Association (EBAA), which became Kidsports. As an adult he coached numerous Kidsports teams. He has been active in many community activities and boards, including the Lane County Public Safety Coordinating Council, the State of Oregon Criminal Justice Council, The Lane County Domestic Violence Council, the Boys and Girls Club, South Eugene High School, Tracktown USA, and Kidsports. He is currently the president of the boards of both the Oregon Social Learning Center and the Center for Family Development.
“My appreciation for the community’s responsibility to provide activities and facilities for kids and families was shaped by my years on the juvenile court bench. While we do many good things, we do not do enough. Physical activity and fitness is an essential building block for healthy youth and a healthy community.”
Mr. Leonard will be a valuable asset to the ECA team and we are looking forward to seeing what he and his fellow co-chairs bring to the project. Check back next week to learn more about Leonard’s fellow co-chair, Bev Smith.