ECA Welcomes Community Development Officer

We’re pleased to welcome Bridget Franek to the ECA team! In her new role as Community Development Officer, Bridget will help increase community awareness of the Campaign for Civic Park. One of her first projects will be to plan the Civic Park groundbreaking ceremony! She will also oversee various fundraising initiatives, and develop partnerships with local businesses and organizations.

An Ohio native, Bridget moved to Eugene in 2010 to train and compete in professional track and field with the Oregon Track Club Elite. Over the next 6 years, she qualified for the Olympics in 2012 in the steeplechase, earned an MBA from the University of Oregon Warsaw Sports Marketing Center, and volunteered with various organizations throughout the community including Ophelia’s Place, Healthy Moves, Girls on the Run, and Kidsports. She also participated in community running groups with Team Run Eugene and often spoke at 4J school events as well as events for local corporations.

After receiving her MBA, Bridget moved back to Ohio where she served as the Women’s Distance Coach at the University of Akron. Sports have had a significant impact on Bridget’s life from as early as she can remember. Her athletic experiences have developed her passion for healthy living and physical activity. She is excited about what Civic Park will bring to the Eugene community and the impact it will have on so many children in the years to come.
