Civic Board Meets to Confirm Plans

Eugene Civic Alliance Board of Directors Meets to Confirm Plans After Fire

Last night (Wednesday, July 1) the Eugene Civic Alliance board of directors met to discuss its future in the wake of the destruction of the Civic Stadium grandstand. The board unanimously reaffirmed its commitment to the Alliance’s mission and declared its intention to “reimagine” the possibilities for the site within that mission.

Mission: Development and operation of a community sports and entertainment venue on the historic Civic Stadium property for the physical education and recreation of all the children and youth of the community and the community at large.

Vision: To create a vibrant center for youth fitness and community health on the 10.2-acre Civic Stadium property. This repurposed property will be transformed into a sports and recreational facility serving the whole community… With community support, current and future generations will enjoy this gift of health and will benefit from our investment in new facilities and programs for all.

The three major amenities envisioned for the property were a fieldhouse for Kidsports, turf field for soccer and other field sports, and a grandstand. Those same amenities will be included in the vision going forward.

The board appreciates the community’s support and looks forward to engaging the community in its plans for reimagining Civic Stadium.
